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Using Google's AJAX Search API

Test of Google's AJAX Search API, which lets you insert Google elements into your web pages (using JavaScript code). Pretty cool.


You first have to sign up for a license key. (Google gives you a big, long key, ~100 characters.)

And the key is only valid for one domain. I initially signed up for a key to use with the new blog (subdomain > blogs.radified.com) .. but it wouldn't work when I tried to use it on the site's home page.

It gave me an error when I loaded this page, saying I needed to apply for a new key. (No problemo.) So I now have two AJAX Search API keys. (When I convert today's entry into a blog entry later, I'll need to generate new AJAX code.)

With this AJAX search API (Application Programming Interface), you can add web searches, video searches, blog searches (also see AJAX Search API playground), News (News bar), or (like I did) map searches. Heck, there's even a book bar.

••••• today's entry continues below •••••

Google makes it easy to generate code. Simply fill in the variables in a wizard, such as how big you want the map to be. (I made this one 325x250.) Then enter the URL for your web site (for which you presumably already have a key) and click the Generate Code button. Copy-n-paste the (JavaScript) code into your web page. Voila!

I am using IE7 and it is showing up in the blog (Movable Type), and also works fine on the home page.

I learned you can't use the TinyMCE editor in MT, or it will remove certain parts of the JavaScript code, and the map will not appear. You'll only get that stupid "Loading..." message, but the map never loads.

Thankfully, TinyMCE has an option to include a button on the editor that will toggle it on/off.

You can actually grab that map (of Laguna Beach) with your cursor, and drag it around, to view unseen parts (by clicking on).

If you zoom-in on the map, you can see where I used to live .. that prime beachfront property I mentioned last week. (That's a joke .. well uh, not exactly.)

I should note it's a *lot* of code for one map. Much of it seems unnecessary (mere commentary), but I'm not sure which parts I can safely remove.

I read that Google limits searches (queries) to 1,000 a day, but upon further investigation I see that was for a different API (SOAP Search).

I discovered this feature while signing up for an API license key for a plug-in (Google search plug-in) contained in the new blogging software I recently installed. As with many things on the web, one thing led to another...

Other Google API's are > here. AJAX Search API FAQ is > here. It's all about being able to search for and find the information you want & need. We live in the information age.

Non-Google sources of info include AJAX Playground (for TypePad users), and AjaxProjects.

For more along these lines, here's a Google search preconfigured for the query > google ajax search api


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