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Disturbing Dream: Barack Obama Assassinated

Barack Obama: Democratic Presidential CandidateRegulars might recall a dream I had last year, in November (the 14th, to be precise) .. which said .. well, here are my exact words:

Had a dream last night that Barack Obama was on the verge of becoming the first black president (way ahead in the polls), but was assassinated right before the election (similar to what happened with RFK). The dream seemed real. Would be weird if it came true.

Recall this was long before Obama even announced his candidacy (on Feb. 10).

Today I learned Obama has (for the first time) pulled even with Hillary in the polls. See here > Obama, Clinton Tied (at 32%, from poll of 579 Likely Voters). More coverage at Boston Globe, Reuters & Yahoo.

And I believe he even raised more money than Hillary (which must've raised a few eyebrows), despite political connections she cultivated over the last two decades with Bill. And I think he did it withOUT accepting any lobbist or PAC money (both of which I believe Hillary gladly accepted).

Of course, this doesn't mean Obama will become the Democratic nominee, or if he does, that he'll be assassinated .. but certainly, it seems more plausible than it did 5 months ago, when everybody considered Hillary the prohibitive (inevitable) favorite.

Makes ya wonder tho, doesn't it?

••••• today's entry continues below •••••

My buddy, the Dog (who lives in NYC) is very 'political' (well-read, marches in protest rallies, frequently writes his Senators & Congressmen, knows a million different political facts). He feels confident "it will be Edwards who gets the nod."

Here in Orange County, traditionally a Republican enclave, the two main camps seem divided into ABH (Anybody But Hillary) and FWS (Fastest War Stopper).

I try to avoid political commentary, cuz it tends to generate considerable hate mail, from people who are (admittedly & obviously) better informed than myself. A surprising number of people live-n-breathe politics.

For a web site like this, political commentary represents (something of) a no-win situation (won't gain new readers, only lose old ones). Every time I wax political, I lose a (small) percentage of readers. Nevertheless, I sometimes feel compelled to speak out and go on record with my positions, even when they aren't popular.

In the new blog, I will start a new tag and 'category' (see left margin) labled 'politics,' and file today's entry under it. A year from now, I'd wager you will not find many entries filed under that tag. (I didn't use tags in the old blog.)

I don't pay much attention to politics, cuz it's all very depressing. Still, as citizens, I feel we have an obligation to be informed and make our voices heard. So here's my question:

If a candidate couldn't see this war was a BAD IDEA from the start (and let's be honest, folks .. it wasn't very difficult to see, especially after the administration demonstrated on 9-11 its inability to accurately evaluate risks) .. do we really want that person as our next president?

Think about while you're shaving tomorrow morning .. lest a worse folly befall us. Because I contend that person has no vision.

For more along these lines, here's a Google search preconfigured for the query > obama hillary clinton democratic presidential primary poll

Update 30.April.2007 - (source) "For the first time in the Election 2008 season, somebody other than New York Senator Hillary Clinton is on top in the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows Illinois Senator Barack Obama with a statistically insignificant two point advantage over the former First Lady. It’s Obama 32% Clinton 30%."

Update 03.May.2007 - Interesting development today, especially in light of my dream .. see here > Obama Placed Under Secret Service Protection. Here's a quote:

The decision to assign agents to Mr. Obama, nearly nine months before voting begins in the Democratic primaries for president, is the earliest the Secret Service has ever issued a security detail to a candidate. Department Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke said Chertoff made the decision on Obama "in recent days."

Good for him. Maybe my entry helped. More info at ABC NewsCBS News, Washington PostChicago Tribune, Boston Globe.

Update 05.june.2007 > Here's another poll (this one being > from USA Today / Gallup) showing Obama on top by 1 point, which speculate may be due to the two new Hillary books (coming) out about her, despite fact some claim they reveal nothing new.


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Test of alogblog's MTy plug-in:


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Let's see if this puppy works.

It's markedly egregious that those who have conspired to take out Obama have already written the event into the matrix like a screenplay. There appears to be dark, real world parallel here that smacks of Oliver Stone's Movie JFK wherein there was the one particular military enlisted character who was sent to the South Pole and who had heard over the radio airwaves (on his way to the South Pole) that JFK had been assassinated... before it actually took place... and then the assassination took place.


I had this dream so I searched for it.. I had a dream about the twin towers right before it happened (and even made a collage about my dream) .... could mean nothing. Let's hope so.

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