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This page contains a single entry posted on 9 May 2007 07:25 AM.

The PREVIOUS post in this blog is titled > Installing Drupal 5.1 Content Management System (CMS).

The NEXT post in this blog is titled > Site Move to New Upgraded Web Server Complete.

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« Installing Drupal 5.1 Content Management System (CMS) | Main | Site Move to New Upgraded Web Server Complete »

Moving Site to New Upgraded Web Server

The site move to a new, updated server (mentioned yesterday) involves a new name server (they say), which means the site might (not sure yet, I asked) be unavailable for a period of time following the move.

Okay, they said the new name server *will* need to propagate, which means the site will be unavailable for 24-72 hours, depending on > this stuff. (The Rad server is physically located downtown Los Angeles.)

I'm making a *second* full-site back-up right now. =) The back-up (compressed *.tar.gz) is exactly 999 MB. (You can see why I'm researching content management systems.) It's downloading at ~300KBps. Takes ~ an hour.

They also said my dedicated IP address will change. Not sure why it can't stay the same (since my hosting provider isn't changing).

Received note from Lunarpages (my host) support, which I'd file under: Example of Good Support. See here>

••••• today's entry continues below •••••


When we move an account off of a server to a different server, basically what we are doing is moving the files from your account to the new server. So, all of your files are transfered over. We leave the old account active for
5 days in case we need to go back and move the files again, which rarely happens.

horror stories are just that, and I would like to put you at ease by letting you know that it is rare that anything goes wrong. We certainly don't lose data, since it is already backed up.

I see that the server you are on has mysql
4.0.x. However we are upgrading all our servers to mysql 5.x, and there should be no issues on a server with this version installed. We can move you to a php 5 server as well.

You can
provide us with a time as to when you would like for us to proceed with the move, and we will certainly try to get started at that time. It may be 30 mins. or so after specified time, but we will do our best to begin at the time you specify.

Please let us know how you would like to proceed, and if you would like for us to proceed at a certain time, please provide us with the time in PST time zone.

Feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.

Best Regards,


Two questions:

  1. when is my current server scheduled to be upgraded to mysql 5?
  2. would the site be moved to a faster server?

Interesting article here > regarding PHP5.

For more along these lines, here's a Google search for query > web site move new server host mysql


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