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New Domain Name: hardnuf.com (Adventures in Fatherhood)

FATHERHOOD: It's Hard Enough

Recall a few days ago? When I mentioned the idea of getting another domain name, so I could split-out site content related to my adventures as Rad-Dad?

Actually, that post was sort of hijacked by the subsequent comparison of Drupal vs Joomla (two of the best open source Content Management Systems).

I've since been pondering various domain names, such as rad-dad.com (which is already taken, tho I could buy it for a price) and radfather.com (which is available). But none felt right.

Until today, at Newport Dunes beach park, where I was playing Rad-dad with the bug. (Gorgeous day, btw.)

Found myself visualizing what the new site might look like .. beginning with a simple title & logline, such as > FATHERHOOD: Harder Than it Looks .. or .. FATHERHOOD: It's Hard Enough .. in place of where I currently have RADIFIED: Indulge Your Technolust.

Then I thought, "That's it! > HardNuf." In other words, it's hard enough to raise children, without parents bickering. And it's hard enough for kids to grow up in two different homes, without undue tension between parents.

••••• today's entry continues below •••••

Called my web host (Lunarpages) cuz they offer a "free domain name for life," with the account I already have. Something I never took advanatge of, cuz I transferred this site from another host, where I'd already registered the domain name (radified.com) with another registrar.

Long story short, I scored the domain hardnuf.com for FREE. Right now there's only a simple splash page there that says Coming soon... which will kick you back here after 7 seconds. But this is a first step. I already have tons of content I can transfer there.

In the end, domain names matter little. If the content is good, people will come. If not, the coolest name in the world won't make a difference. Generally, shorter is better. And hardnuf is actually 1 letter less than radified.

Not sure how many dad blogs there are, as *time* is a prime consideration, and being a dad takes considerable time, as does setting up and maintaining a web site.

I considered (the hyphenated) hard-nuf, tho not for long, cuz I didn't like how it look written in the sand. Also considered hardenuf.com, but that name was taken.

Thinking of installing the dynamic (PHP) version of Movable Type there, along with Drupal, and Joomla 1.5 (when it's finally released). Also heard good things about phpbb (community forum). Might try installing that. (New theme seems to be > PHP.)

This is kinda cool. I've never published to multiple sites before. My web host actually allows 10 domain names to be used with the same account. And with 350-GB web storage, space certainly won't be a problem.

Publishing to multiple sites requires a little more in the way of organizational skills, tho. (Multiple accounts, multiple sites, log-ins, keeping files straight, etc.)

In case you were wondering, files for the new web site reside in a folder named \hardnuf, inside the \public_html directory for radified. (I was wondering how Lunarpages was going to handle that.)

Most readers come for either the technical content or the personal. Few come for both. And now nobody has to suffer thru parts they don't enjoy.

So do you like the name? If felt right. Now I can use the new site play around (and become familair with) with new web toys, without having to worry about hosing Radified. Anyway, lots of decisions to make in upcoming weeks.

Spectacular day. Warm sun. Cool breeze. Clean air blowing off the ocean. Had a certain lightness to it. Picture perfect. First day with promise of summer. If every day were like today ... I wouldn't complain.


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