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First Impressions of Head First XHTML/CSS Book

Head First HTML with XHTML & CSS

Been studying new "Head First" book on XHTML/CSS .. currently ~200 pages into it (1/3rd way thru), now reading chapter 5.

Haven't seen much new material I don't already know (having learned most of my tricks from viewing the source of other web sites). Tho I have learned bits-n-pieces of cool info from the book, especially regarding the names (terms) of things (.. which I've been using for years).

So in that regard, it has (so far) been only slightly useful. But it's good to know that I know what I know .. ya know?

Especially since HTML is a prerequisite for learning so many other cool web technologies, such as scripting & databases.

NEXT chapter is titled Serious HTML ("Standards, Compliance & all that Jazz"), which sounds more interesting (than basic HTML).

From perusing the table of contents («PDF), it looks like the really cool stuff (stuff I don't yet know) starts in the second half. Looking forward to that.

Funny how they use a fictitious web design company named RadWebDesign (a "seemingly experienced firm") that always does things wrong. =) [Re: pages 148 + 156.]

••••• today's entry continues below •••••

In one example, they show how RadWeb used absolute links, while another company, named CorrectWebDesign, uses relative links.

Couldn't help but notice how the book employs lame arguments in building their case for (using) relative links. (If you don't know what a relative link is, you're not missing much.)

Anyway, I found myself (naturally) rooting for RadWebDesign (the bad boys of web design), who stay up 'til 4AM fixing their absolute links, after their client-company changes its domain name. (In the end, the bad boys at RadWeb get fired, then flock to Head First for remedial instruction.)

This example (btw) is something that will never happen in the real world. You don't start working on a site before the domain name is settled. Head First may be able to make a case for relative links, but not using the arguments they propose.

So I have enough experience with websites to know when they're trying to blow smoke up my skirt. Needless to say, I don't use relative links, preferring rather absolute links (for better reasons than they use to make their case for relative links.)

Been reading my new book at the Newport Beach Public Library. Brand new building (US$6 mil). Clean. Quiet. Air-conditioned. Lots of floor-to-ceiling windows. High ceilings (roomy feeling).

The library sits adjacent to to a field (size of a football field). At the opposite end (of the field) is a playground, where I sometimes take the bug. (It's one of his favorite playgrounds.)

While studying my new book, I occasionally find myself staring out the window, watching parents there play with their kids, pushing them on swings, chasing them around .. which (naturally) makes me miss the bug.

I sometimes drift off, reminiscing how cool it is to hang with him. If I drift far enough, a smile forms on my face.


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Comments (1)

I will take your advice about this book and i will get it, I will let you know how it goes.

thanks for the tip

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