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The Bug is Back | The Dog is Married

This was the longest stretch I hadn't seen him since .. well, since those dark days of '05 (.. which I'd rather not remember). It had been more than 2 weeks.

Baba YagaHis mom took him to Michigan, to visit family there. He has made the trip several times now. Getting to be a little frequent-flyer.

In the car, as we drove away this morning, I asked, "So, did you like flying on the big airplane?"

"Yeah," he said enthusiastically, "It was too much fun." =)

Speaking of the car .. as I arrived this morning, the bug was out front, where he spotted me waiting at the light across the street. "There's dada," I heard him shout.

As I pulled up to the curb, he ran over to the car. I reached across and opened the passenger door. Into the car-seat he scrambled .. all by himself. His mom shut the door behind him and we drove away. (Pick-ups don't get any smoother than that.)

He talked the whole way home. Never seen him so vocal. Seemed to have a lot on his mind. At the coffee shop this morning, the girls there made a fuss over him. Everybody seems happy to have him back.

••• today's entry continues below •••

He talked the whole way home. Never seen him so vocal. Seemed to have a lot on his mind. At the coffee shop this morning, the girls there made a fuss over him. Everybody seems happy to have him back.

Hot here today (& muggy). We spent the afternoon at the (air-conditioned) library, where I read to him a stack of books. We even checked out a handful of his favorites and brought them home with us. He fell asleep while I was reading the tale of » Babushka - Baba Yaga.

Oh, the Dog is back, too .. from Prague, where he got married (to a girl 20 years younger than him). He called yesterday (from NYC) .. sounding very happy.

Said he has a "good feeling" about it. She's going off the pill, and they're gonna try to have a bug of their own (or two, or three, or ... you know how those Irish Catholics are). Said he tried to send photos, but the email bounced. Probably cuz my account limits attachments to 10 megs.

The difference, I think, between a casual "friend" and a *true* friend, is that, when something good happens to a casual friend, we tend to feel jealous. But when fortune smiles on a true friend, we genuinely feel happy for them. (Did I mention, uh, that the Dog's new bride is a Czech girl, 20 years his junior? How lucky can you get?)

Along these lines, a wise old man once told me that women, as they age, tend to become embittered, from having been screwed over by so many guys. "So," he argued, "you wanna find yourself a young one .. and treat her good."

Can't believe the bug is still asleep. This is a world record. It's getting dark and he never woke from his nap. Update » The bug never did wake .. slept straight thru 'til morning (18 hours). That's never happened before. Musta needed the rest.


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