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« New Identity » Good Dad + "Break Down the Subjects" (Bourne Ultimatum) | Main | Physical Therapy More Painful Than Original Injury »

My First Halloween with the Bug (Dressed as Dorothy) + First Physical Therapy Session

Took the Bug trick-or-treating for Halloween. (A first for me.) He was dressed in a Dorothy costume (à la Wizard of Oz), complete with ruby slippers. Not an outfit I would've selected, but that's what he was wearing when I picked him up.

Yellow brick road | The Wizard of OzDid it make me uncomfortable to see my boy wearing a dress? Uh, a little. But he's only two. If he were five, maybe I'd be more concerned. Everybody agrees on one thing » he would've made a cute girl. =)

I almost didn't go trick-or-treating, cuz my neck was pretty sore that day. But Tom made it easy. He came by, transferred the Bug's car-seat (from the Rad-mobile) into his SUV, so all I had to do was hop in & go along for the ride.

As a side note, I find it interesting that Tom is probably the safest driver I've ever ridden with, especially considering how he prefers to indulge in sports which some might deem hazardous ..

.. such as mountain biking & rock climbing. He has even climbed El Capitan (which he calls "big wall" climbing). Yet he spent 10 minutes making sure the Bug's car-seat was fastened securely, and always lets the other car go first.

Tom has a 7-year-old daughter. She held the Bug's hand as they walked up to each front porch and rang the doorbell. Very cute. Many of these homes sported elaborate Halloween decorations (such as fog-making machines and mock graves that open & shut automatically).

••• today's entry continues below •••

Tom's ex-wife came along. She brought some glow-sticks for the kids to wear. She & Tom had words after he discovered that his ex wanted his daughter to hand out advertisements at each house we visited for her multi-level marketing business. (We canvassed some ritzy neighborhoods.)

We had ourselves a little entourage » Tom & his ex, his new wife, his ex's husband, his ex's sister & me. One guy even called out from his front door, "All you people here for these two?"

First Physical Therapy Session (for Neck)

In other news, I went to my first physical therapy session earlier this week .. for my neck. The Sports medicine clinic was filled with many shiny, new exercise machines. The Bug came along. They loved him there. (Mostly older women getting physical therapy.) I brought along some books & toys for him to play with, but he preferred to climb on the exercise equipment. (Dat's my boy.)

They first wrapped my neck in a warmer for 10 minutes, to loosen everything, then worked on stretching the muscles. Some of it felt good, but most of it hurt pretty bad .. sometimes more than I could handle. The girl told me ahead of time it would hurt. She said it was necessary to regain range-of-motion.

Afterwards, she taped me up. Today my neck is still swollen, especially the left side. Looking to my left (without turning my shoulders) is the movement I find most difficult. They said I need to start using the muscles and stretching them (even if it hurts).

It has been a month since I went sailing over the handle bars. Every day is an improvement, but I still have far to go before returning to normal.

My neck muscles start getting tired and sore around 3PM (after using them during the day). Ironically, Advil seems to make things worse. (More pain, soreness, fatigue.) Can't figure that out.

I have another appointment tomorrow. (Tom's friend is a doctor who owns the sports-medicine clinic.) I asked her, "So, what's wrong with my neck?" She answered, "You jacked it up pretty good." =) She told me the names of the injured muscles, but I forget now.

The headaches are starting to go away. To give you an idea of how hard I hit the ground, my helmet's chinstrap hung (loosely) about an inch below my chin. Prior to impact, it was good-n-snug. Can you say, "Cuh-runch?"


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How about a personal trainer installed in your Mobile Phone? check out Heart rate monitor and fitness advisor
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